Respiratory Care Treatment in Germantown, MD

Respiratory Care Treatment in Germantown, MD

Breathe easier with respiratory care at Germantown Primary HealthCare. The trained and experienced staff at our asthma clinic in Germantown, MD, understands that productive breathing affects health and quality of life. If breathing issues are limiting your activity level, rest assured asthma treatment near you is available.

Asthma Treatment Germantown

Several effective respiratory treatment options are used at Germantown Primary HealthCare, including:

  1. Asthma therapy, such as inhalers or nebulizers
  2. Respiratory treatments (during surgery)
  3. Bronchial thermoplasty, a non-drug, FDA-approved asthma treatment for severe and persistent cases

If you are concerned about the state of your respiratory health, contact our asthma urgent care near you to schedule a consultation with a Germantown respiratory therapist. At Germantown Primary HealthCare, we can diagnose and evaluate your respiratory condition so that you can breathe normally again.

Asthma Treatment Near You

Germantown Primary HealthCare offers multiple PFTs as part of our respiratory services, including:

  1. Spirometry: Determines the response of the lungs to inhaled bronchodilators. This test also aids in the diagnosis of reactive airway disease.
  2. Lung Volume Screening with Nitrogen Washout: Lung capacity is measured by inhaling pure oxygen. This process helps to determine increased or diminished lung capacity to screen for specific lung diseases.
  3. Diffusion Capacity Testing: A measure of how much oxygen is transferred into the bloodstream from the lungs. This test is used to determine the causes of shortness of breath and to monitor diseases like scleroderma and asbestosis.
  4. Six-Minute Walk and Ambulatory Oximetry: A measure of oxygen saturation levels during 6 minutes of activity to determine if a patient requires the use of oxygen at home.
  5. Treadmill Testing for Children: To diagnose and treat pediatric asthma patients.

Our asthma clinic in Germantown also offers methacholine challenge testing, arterial blood gases (ABG) co-oximetry, simple pulmonary function stress testing, and body box testing.

In addition, respiratory services at Germantown Primary HealthCare include sleep studies to examine whether patients have sleep apnea or other sleep-related disorders.

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