The Top Health Screenings You Need to Get During a Physical Examination

The Top Health Screenings You Need to Get During a Physical Examination

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What Is Health Screening During a Physical Examination?

Health screening during a physical examination is a process of checking your overall health status. The screenings at Germantown Primary Health Care identify potential health risks and detect existing medical conditions. It involves a series of tests, evaluations, and assessments designed to detect early signs of disease or illness, often before any symptoms appear.

Generally, a standard health screening includes reviewing your medical history, a physical examination near Germantown, MD, and various laboratory tests. Other tests included in a health screening, such as mammograms, Pap smears, and colonoscopies, are usually determined by a medical professional based on individual needs and preferences.

Types of Health Screenings You Need During a Physical Examination

Regular health screenings can help individuals take control of their health and make informed decisions about their Healthcare. The specific tests and evaluations included in a health screening can vary depending on your age, sex, medical history, and other factors. Here are some of the top health screenings you need to get during a physical examination:

    • Blood Pressure Screening – measures your blood pressure to check for hypertension or high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
    • Cholesterol Screening – it measures the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. High levels of these can increase your risk of heart disease and other health problems.
    • Blood Glucose Screening – measures the glucose (sugar) levels in your blood and is a popular test to screen for diabetes.
    • Vision and Hearing Screening – it detects potential issues with your sight or hearing. The tests will evaluate hearing sensitivity and visual acuity to determine if you need further evaluation.
    • Cancer Screenings – test you for different types of cancers relative to high-risk factors. It is a crucial part of physical examinations in Germantown, MD. The tests can include mammograms, Pap tests, and colonoscopies, depending on the type of cancer. Expect some of the following tests:
  • Colon cancer screening – is usually recommended for adults over the age of 50. It involves checking for polyps or abnormal growths in the colon or rectum.
  • Skin cancer screening – involves checking for abnormal moles, freckles, and other signs of skin cancer.
  • Oral cancer screening – a primary care physicians in Germantown, MD, will check for any signs of mouth cancers in different oral features like the tongue, throat, lips, gums, and palate.
  • Pap smear – usually recommended for women. It involves checking for abnormal cells in the cervix, which can indicate cervical cancer.
  • Breast cancer screening – is ideal for women over the age of 50. It involves checking for breast cancer through mammograms and other imaging tests.

When Do You Need Health Screenings?

Ideally, it is up to your doctor to determine which screenings are appropriate for you based on your health needs and risk factors. Besides, the type of doctor to visit first will determine the screenings you undergo. For example, if you visit a primary care physician near you for a physical exam, they will prioritize oral cancer screenings before other tests. Some of the factors that can necessitate health screenings and regular physical examinations are:

  • A family history of a particular health problem – if one or more of your family members have a condition, such as heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, you may be at higher risk of developing that condition and should consider getting screened regularly.
  • A history of a chronic medical condition such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol – regular screenings let you monitor your condition and ensure proper management.
  • Persistent symptoms – if you are experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, unexplained weight loss or gain, changes in bowel habits, or persistent pain or discomfort, it may be a sign that you need to get screened for a specific condition.
  • Certain lifestyle factors – a sedentary lifestyle, smoking or drinking alcohol excessively, a poor diet, or being overweight, heighten your risk of certain health conditions.
  • You are over a certain age – the risk of developing certain health conditions increases as you age. You need regular health exams when you are over 50 years.
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